As Associate Artist at Nottingham Contemporary I have been delivering the Loudspeaker programme since 2013. I am very sad to say that the programme has now come to an end of its current funding, with the last project finishing on 1st December 2022. Here is an online version of the final exhibition.
Loudspeaker was a series of 10-week projects, three per year, for women in challenging circumstances, referred by a number of support organisations in the East Midlands. The programme offered free, creative workshops for women to express themselves in a supportive environment, develop self-confidence, resilience, motivation, routine and meet new people through exploring and making contemporary art.
It has been an absolute pleasure to be part of the team delivering this programme, as we constantly developed and refined how we worked in order to best meet the needs of the participants. The participants were always a delight to work with and it was very rewarding to support the development of their skills of art-making and critical thinking, watch their self-esteem increase and listen to their experiences and opinions.
Since 2016 Loudspeaker has been part of the national Building Better Opportunities programme through the Opportunity and Change project which is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and the European Social Fund.