‘Gravitational pull’
painted steel
‘Gravitational pull’ is sculpture as visual representation of certain geometric and engineering terms: adjacent, diagonal, divergent, oblique, peripheral, perpendicular, parallel, triangulated, tangential. The series of sculpture has not been reproduced from drawings or by using precise measurements in its construction yet each part is measured in a visual sense; its relationship within the structure is precise. The parts, simple geometric shapes and lines, with the occasional random distortion, each have a role in keeping the sculpture standing by using their position and weight and utilising gravity.
The elements within the sculpture are like lines and shapes in a three-dimensional drawing, changing their orientation and relationships as the viewer walks around the sculpture. What appears vertical or horizontal in one view is not in another and the space contained within the lines seems to expand and contract. The two colours help the eye organize the parts of the sculpture into their respective tasks in the structural whole.